Company Highlight: No More Crohn’s
We are highlighting another brand that is constantly working to improve the lives of the SCD community with the No More Crohn’s page! This brand provides lots of FREE resources for people on the diet, just starting the diet and those trying to learn more about their digestive system. Here is a piece of their story from the founders Erin and Robin, a mother and daughter duo!
“After being diagnosed with Crohn’s My first question for him was, "Do I have to be on medicine for the rest of my life?" He affirmed my worst fear: Yes. And not only that, but the symptoms would probably worsen over my lifetime which would require steroids, and probably surgeries. The Asacol did begin to treat my symptoms right away, and soon I was able to leave the hospital. The only downside was I had a huge bag of pills to take home with me and they were my only hope of staving off another nightmare of a hospital visit.”
After discovering the diet Erin told herself ,“I'd rather spend lots of time in the kitchen than lots of time in the hospital!”
Erin took her health back and wanted to share her knowledge to help others in the same situation.
“We're a site that offers hope and help to people on the SCD, based on my daughter, Erin's, 20 years of amazing success on the diet. We always like to network with other people like yourselves who are working to help people succeed on the diet.
We offer tons of free recipes with photos, loads of free info such as pages of answered questions, info about the diet itself, and an SCD Academy with a beautiful and comprehensive course that includes a facebook group and personal consultations with Erin, plus "cooking shows."
I've created three cookbooks that are on Amazon, plus other downloadable menus and cookbooks, and even 6 large magazines just for SCDers that take you through the year!
We've been at this for a long time, and we just keep working to improve our site and offer more, so more people can be successful on the diet. We love Bizi Vitamin Honey, as it's one more thing that makes the diet easier and more fun.
Erin also enjoys keeping an Instagram page where she posts pictures of what she's eating!
It's always great to get the word out.”
Figuring out what is best for your body can be difficult but you don’t have to do it alone. The SCD community is growing everyday and is always friendly and willing to help.
If you know any other SCD food companies we would love to partner with them! Let us know via email or in our social media DM’s!
In Good Health,